Employee Anniversary - Caryl Pinner

Employee Insights

Employee Anniversary

Watercooler Talk with Caryl Pinner

We are happy to highlight one of our Project Managers, Caryl Pinner, who is celebrating 16 years with Barghausen! Read below to hear how gaming brings Caryl closer to her family and for some great work from home tips. Congratulations, Caryl, on 16 years with the Barghausen family!

What’s your favorite Barghausen memory?

There are several memories over the past 16 years; this past year might as well be excluded! The boat parties are always a good time. Talking with my husband, we had to agree the Christmas Parties are the best and one in particular was when we went to Teatro ZinZanni in Seattle. We had the best time and great food!

What is the secret to being a good leader?

I am a work in progress in this area, as I am such a solo worker.

  • Don’t expect others to do what you are not willing to do yourself.

  • Be human and work with the group.

  • Congratulate the team as a whole.

  • Accept help from others in the team, as they all have their areas of expertise, which is what makes us stronger as a whole.

If you were to swap careers, what would you do?

This is a difficult question to answer, as I started working in the convenience store and refueling industry before I graduated high school! However, I love people and the simplicity of life, so perhaps a Barista (at 60?) or just work at a farm and feed supply store.

What do you enjoy doing outside of work?

My husband and I have 5 acres with 5 horses, chickens, 2 dogs and 5 cats; so there is that. Then there is the garden and just working around in the yard. I volunteer to assist with rescue horses when the occasion arises. If I can squeeze in a horseback ride in the woods, that is the most peaceful enjoyable time ever. I am also a Gamer, which all started with my divorce. Gaming was and still is, a way to connect with my children and now grandchildren in a fun way.

If you had a time machine would you go back in time or into the future? Why?

Maturity is a wonderful thing. If I could go back in time, I would want to go back to when my children were little. I would have worked harder at my marriage to my children’s father and “made it work” instead of taking the easier road and divorcing; or so I thought …I feel as though I’ve lived several lifetimes over these past 60-years. Lots of mistakes and progress, but that is life, right?

Do you have any work from home tips?

  • Have a separate work space.

  • Do your normal routine; i.e. wake, have a coffee, tea, or whatever you prefer.

  • Dress and prepare as if you were leaving for office.

  • There are times when I do jump in my vehicle and drive to the local Starbucks and order whatever I used to do and then drive back home and head “into the office.”